
martes, 31 de julio de 2012


Today I'm going to do a small break in my long bucket list to tell you about one of my biggest dreams in life - which is, of course, part of my bucket list, too - It's travelling so much as I can, I'd be the happiest person on earth if I was able to visit every country in the world, learn about different cultures, try different things, live adventures and unforgettable experiences, meet new people... It's one of my goals in life: to travel and discover.

That's why, I got a little project for this summer! I'm going to buy a world map and I'll signal on it every place I've been to. Although now it'll be a bit empty (Only Spain, France and Italy are on my list so far), I'll go adding every place I visit, and maybe someday I get to carry out my dream and I'll have a pin on every country! (Or at least in a lot of them!).

So I just wanted to tell you how my WANDERLUST is one of the most important things in my life, all I want to do is to travel, meet and enjoy life as much as I can!

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